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Showing posts with the label BPD

A Mothers Unconditional Love

At what point does it become enough for a mother to walk away from her child? I know that we should love our children unconditionally, but does it ever get to a point where you must decide that it is for the best to give your child some 'tough love'? Or to protect your mental health and other loved one’s mental health as well? I think that even though we don't want to ever think of having to give our children the tough love that they sometimes need.  I have been witnessing a lot of bad behaviours by children (my daughter can be a b**ch, but at the end of the day she is an amazing person, and she is a good citizen within her community), and I am completely mind blown as to why we are allowing these children to display these behaviours without any serious consequences? From the justice system to parenting, I feel that these children are being failed. I also believe that they need discipline. Most of us ‘elders’, received discipline as children and most of us are not going aro...

Observe Nature - Kmart Journal Entry

When did you last see the sunset or sunrise? When did you last go for a bushwalk? When did you last swim in the ocean? Describe these times. What's your favourite place in nature - why? Great questions Kmart Journal! Ha-Ha!  The last time that I watched a sunset or sunrise was the about three mornings when I woke up at 4:40am (not sleeping the best at the moment) and couldn't get back to sleep, so I did get to see the sunrise. It was also very peaceful and I find that now that I am waking up a bit earlier, that I am more productive with my day, especially in the mornings. I am going to try and start to get up earlier. I have always been a bit of a night owl, therefore I find it hard to get to bed early and end up sleeping in later.  I haven't been on a bush walk for quite some time, but I do try to walk my dog every day and I get to walk to the waterfront whenever I want!  I am not that fond of creepy crawlies, so I don't like to do many bush walks in case I see a creep...

Short Hiatus

It has been a little while since I posted a blog. As I have said in previous blogs, my living situation was not exactly suitable, and I have found a place to live on my own. Therefore, I have been rather busy moving and getting my little place set up. I also haven’t had internet and am finally getting that connected this week.    I have certainly missed having internet, as I use FaceTime to communicate with my daughter. I think the first thing I will be doing when it is connected is calling her! I am missing her quite a bit and I know that she misses me too, but I am absolutely loving where I am, so I can never see me moving back to where all my family are. I also think that my daughter and I needed time apart to really appreciate each other again. Plus, she can always come for a visit.    I bought myself a MacBook. I haven’t spent this type of money on myself since my daughter was born. Being a single mother, I always put her needs before any of mine and she would a...

Two Word Check-In - Kmart Journal Entry

Check in with yourself using just two words. How are you doing today? Do it three times throughout the day, and use the space to illustrate your words to reflect the mood. Morning Motivated, Positive Midday Emotional, Blessed Evening Cranky, Pain  Isn't it amazing how by the end of your day, it can be turned around 180 degrees!! So this morning I was motivated and feeling really positive. By the end of today, I am cranky and in so much pain that I am almost about to lose my s**t! But I actually sat down and wrote in my journal for a few hours to try and get some of the frustrations out that I have and it actually felt good to write it all down. Cleansing in a way, I guess. I am trying to learn to write it down and once I have written it down, I am trying to learn to let it go. Yeah, just like Elsa sang! Ha-Ha! So maybe I need to write in there a bit more tonight, to try and get rid of some more frustrations.  I feel like I had a very productive day and now I am in...

Alcohol And You - Kmart Journal Entry

Do you drink too much? What is the purpose of alcohol in your life? What amazing questions Kmart to ask the Norty Borderline! Ha-Ha! I'd like to say that Jack Daniels plays a pivotable part in my life. Ha-Ha! He's one of my best friends! Ha-Ha!  I do not drink every day and I am probably what is classed as a binge drinker. So I don't drink very often, but when I do I end up wiping myself out and there are many times where I am blacked out by the end of the night. That being said, I would have two big nights in one week maximum and even that is not normal, I can go months without drinking if I don't want to. I also don't drink a little amount and find that I can out drink most women and can keep up with the boys. My parents allowed me to drink from about 15 years old, as we grew up in a city and they didn't want me going to the nightclubs and not being able to handle my alcohol. Them doing that, has ended up being a very costly experience for me. It costs me more...

A Question For You - Kmart Journal Entry

What makes your heart sing? There are a few things that make my heart sing.  Firstly, my family make my heart sing. Especially my daughter. She can drive me absolutely bat s**t crazy some days, but most days she makes my heart sing. Raising her is probably going to be my greatest achievement. Hearing her voice can brighten my day, even if she is being psychotic like her mother! Ha-Ha! She looks nothing like me (she is all her Daddy) but oh my lord is she me in personality. And I can tell you that sometimes that is a recipe for disaster. Ha-Ha! She has also been my reason why I am still here today.  My niece also makes my heart sing. She told me the most beautiful thing a few months ago. She has 6 aunties all up and I am her favourite!! Oh my heart was singing that day I can tell you!! I literally couldn't take the smile off my face all day!! She is a very sweet child, but she loves to spend time with Aunty and she tells me that she misses me all the time, so I know how much sh...

Saying No - Kmart Journal Entry

How easy is it for you to say no? For myself, I struggle to say to nearly every single person that I come across in my life. I guess you would call me a people pleaser, who also says what she thinks.  I think that the BPD may play a bit of a part in that though.  Ever since I was a little girl I was taught that I should try and help others when I possibly can, even if it means giving the person my last dollar. I can say that doing this has f**ked me up financially more times than I can count! And I truly have tried extremely hard to help every single person that has asked me for help. But lately I am starting to feel like I am just a sucker when it comes to particular people and helping them. It seems like the friendships are very one sided and I seem to be the one always doing the work.  I do know that I have to learn to start saying no, and I am slowly doing it. I am noticing that I am not hearing from particular people, because I am saying no and not jumping to their e...

Self-Care Sunday

Unsure of source of image. So I had to have a look at what self-care Sunday actually is. Basically it is doing all those self-care things on a Sunday.  Do I do self-care Sunday? Not currently, no. It is an idea that I would like to try though. My Sunday today including taking a 3 hour nap. Is napping self-care? Ha-Ha! I know that I need to start looking after myself better, but given my current living situation, not much self-care is happening. I seem to be having more pain and seem to be doing a lot more than what I had to do with my own child. So yeah, I'm tired. So maybe the nap today was some self-care? I did dye my hair this morning, so I guess that was another self-care item done.  I am thinking of having a bath tonight, so that might also be classed as self-care because I love to lay back and just soak in the water. I absolutely love to have a bath, especially a bubble bath with someone rubbing my shoulders. Ha-Ha!  Here are some suggestions from Google on self-car...

One More Light - Linkin Park - Lyrics

                                                                Linkin Park Should've stayed, were there signs, I ignored? Can I help you, not to hurt, anymore? We saw brilliance, when the world, was asleep There are things that we can have, but can't keep If they say Who cares if one more light goes out? In a sky of a million stars It flickers, flickers Who cares when someone's time runs out? If a moment is all we are We're quicker, quicker Who cares if one more light goes out? Well I do The reminders pull the floor from your feet In the kitchen, one more chair than you need oh And you're angry, and you should be, it's not fair Just 'cause you can't see it, doesn't mean it, isn't there If they say Who cares if one more light goes out? In a sky of a million stars It flickers, flickers Wh...

School Shootings In The USA

Alright, so I am an Aussie and we have what I would call very strict gun laws compared to our friends over the ocean in the USA. There has been a massive amount of school shootings and mass shootings in the USA this year alone. As of today the statistics for school shootings this year in the USA are 27. It is only May! That is 5 a month! I am probably going to cop a lot of heat from my US counterparts, but something has to be done! These school and mass shootings can not continue! Too many innocent people, including children are losing their lives when they should be safe! Children should not be going to school and being fearful that they are going to be shot and killed! That is NOT RIGHT! I understand that it is a US citizens right to 'protect' themselves, however a lot of these mass shootings and school shootings are being committed by children and teenagers. My first question is 'how in the hell is a child or teenager getting a hold of an AK-47?' I think that yes, if...

End Of The Day

What is that one task that you dread doing at the end of the day?  For me, even though I love my dogs dearly, it would be feeding them. I'm normally in so much pain by the time I am due to feed them, that it is such an effort! Some nights it feels like my arms aren't strong enough to even hold the food, let alone prepare it for them. And when you own a 55kg (121 pounds) dog. He eats quite a bit, let me tell you!! So his bowl can get quite heavy by the time that I give it to him. That being said, I love him beyond words and I will take any pain, just to ensure he is fed every day.  I probably should do it in the mornings, but if I have appointments on then I get even more rushed and then I am anxious, so it is probably not a good idea.  My dogs also know exactly when their dinner time is and my little girl will whine from about 5:15pm until I feed them at 5:30pm. My little girl must think that I am the meanest fur Mummy ever for making her wait a whole 15 minutes for ...

The One Time.....

That one time I shat myself.. And of course my sweet, sweet child had to witness it. She was only about 7 at the time and I did pray that she wouldn’t remember.. She remembers every single second of how I s**t myself!! S**t!! Well, it literally was s**t! Lol As I have said before I was a single Mum to my daughter, who is now 22. She is a great kid and has my extremely warped and dark sense of humour. Oh and my sarcasm! LOL Anyway, so we had to go down town (we lived in a regional town in NSW, Australia) and we are heading home. Now I have always had some issues with my belly and even had some testing done. That being said, we are about 5 minutes from home and we are sitting at the lights near a service station and the local hospital. I am in the left lane and probably about 6 cars back from the lights. We have the stereo going as I need music (especially in the car) and I get the pain in my belly that I know is not good. Anyway I actually did think that it was just a fart. So I decided...

At The End Of The Day - Kmart Journal

How do you prepare for sleep? List five things you do to unwind at the end of the day. 1. Play games on my phone. It’s probably not a great way to unwind, but it does get me to slow down and actually sit. Being that I’m also OCD, I’m continually trying to clean or make things tidier. So when I finally do sit down with my phone and play games, it means I’m done for the night. 2. Have a cup of tea. I love English Breakfast tea. Don’t give me an earl grey. Eew!! HA-HA! Tea just relaxes me. Plus it’s apparently good for me. Winning!! Lol 3. Watch TV but normally disassociate at the same time. Lol got to love being a borderline. Lol I struggle to sit for long periods and watch TV, especially a movie. I usually have to pause a movie and come back to it 3 or 4 times as I just don’t have the attention span to watch a movie fully. 4. Have a bath. I love having baths, except I seem to always make them way too hot and it almost becomes a sauna for me. Lol I also enjoy to read in the bath as my mi...

Saint Barthelemy

OMG!! Photos of this place just came up on my laptop screen and I have to go there!! It truly looks amazing!! It is definitely a bucket list item! I'm including some photos, so you can see why I am mesmorized by this place. I just posted a blog about walking and how I love to walk along the beach. Oh I would so love to walk along the beaches at Saint Bathelemy! The water looks crystal clear and the sand so yellow! And the scenery around the beaches looks amazing to walk around as well!! Oh please take me there right now! I obviously had to Google it once I seen a photo of the place and now I have learned some new things for the day. (My Grandmother taught me that if I was still learning new things every day that my brain is still working.) Anyway, I now know that it is in the Caribbean and is under French rule. I also know now that the capital is Gustavia and that they speak mainly French and most of the cuisine and culture is French. Oh, now I really want to go there!! Although I ...


Do you walk a lot? Do you find that walking is good for your mental health? I find that if it is a beautiful sunny day, then I want to walk somewhere. It doesn't matter where I am walking to, I just want to get out in the sunshine and get the blood pumping a little bit. I find that walking is extremely good for my mental health. Some days I put my AirPods in and ignore the world and others days, I am happy to chat to anyone that comes my way. And believe me I can chat, so somedays I ended nearly finding out someones life story. But I always try and listen, because sometimes that is all a person needs, is for someone to listen. I find feeling the sun on my skin makes me feel happier and I seem to smile a lot more when it is warmer weather. Do you walk rain, hail or shine? I don't really like to walk in the rain, but it is not so bad where I live now as it is a warmer climate and so when you get wet, it really doesn't matter too much. It also seems that the longer that I do g...

The Dolphins Cry - Live

 <!-- wp:paragraph --> The way you're bathed in light Reminds me of that night God laid me down into your rose garden of trust And I was swept away With nothin' left to say Some helpless fool Yeah I was lost in a swoon of peace You're all I need to find So when the time is right Come to me sweetly, come to me Come to me Love will lead us, alright Love will lead us, she will lead us Can you hear the dolphin's cry? See the road rise up to meet us It's in the air we breathe tonight Love will lead us, she will lead us Oh yeah, we meet again It's like we never left Time in between was just a dream Did we leave this place? This crazy fog surrounds me You wrap your legs around me All I can do to try and breathe Let me breathe so that I So we can go together! Love will lead us, alright Love will lead us, she will lead us Can you hear the dolphin's cry? See the road rise up to meet us It's in the air we breathe tonight Love will lead us, she will lead us Li...

Rise And Shine - Kmart Journal Entry

What's the best part of your morning routine? List five things you do first thing in the morning. 1. My cup of tea!! 2. Hope people are not going to be talking to me. HA-HA! 3. Have a cigarette with my cup of tea 4. Listen to the birds, while I have my cigarette and cup of tea.  5. Enjoy the sunshine if it is out. I think my favourite part of my morning routine is the cup of tea and cigarette. I get to pat my dogs and enjoy the sunshine at the same time. I know that I shouldn't be smoking, but oh well that is my choice. LOL I'm currently not working, so I am not in a rush most mornings, which I must say is quite nice, given my MH issues and the stress that it causes me. Do you have a morning routine? If so, what do you do in the mornings? I'd love to hear so we can see the differences. :) The Norty Borderline

Waking Up To Dog Sh*t

I woke up this morning and came out of my room to make myself a cup of tea and the kids were so loud (it hurts my ears they are that loud and even this morning I was putting my hands over my ears to try block some of it out) and it was a struggle to make my cup of tea because of my nerve pain. I also take my nerve pain medication in the morning and in the evenings. And I take my morning medications with my cup of tea. Anyway, so I am went to the toilet while the kettle is boiling and I have to step over one dog shit that was outside of child 1's bedroom. Now look, this dog is not mine and I have to go out into the backyard and pick up all my dogs shit, so that they mower man is not mowing up large amounts of dog shit. So I don't feel that I should have to clean up after my dogs and then have to clean up after my housemates dog as well. Anyway so I step over the dog shit and go to the toilet, trying real hard not to vomit because the smell was pretty bad and it wasn't coming...

Track The Joy - Kmart Journal Entry

What activities bring you joy? Which people bring you joy? What is hands down the most fun you've ever had? What's the most spontaneous thing you have ever done? I find that a lot of different activities bring me joy. The things that I enjoy most would be disassociating (I can't help that, I'm Borderline.. HA-HA! And who doesn't enjoy a good daydream?! HA-HA!). I like to read, but I find that because of my mental health issues, I really do struggle to sit down and read a book for any longer than about 5-10 minutes. I used to be able to read a lot better also when I didn't have a mobile phone. So I do think that technology has played a major part in that. It seems that I read a couple of pages and then my phone goes off with a notification and so then I look at my phone. I think that I need to start silencing my phone a bit more often and just checking it say every half an hour to an hour. What would you do if you were me? I love to do colour in, but I find that ...

Things Your Parents did, that you now do.

Are there things that your parents did and you now do.. And you have no idea why?!  My housemate asked me the other day why when I cook my toast that I squish it down after I have cooked it. I literally had to stand there and think about why I even do it. She did say that she has never seen anyone else ever do it, so it must be unusual I guess. But the reason that I squish my toast down after I have cooked it is because my Mum does it. I have no idea why she does it and I am going to have to ask her now! I also do things that my Grandmother taught me too. So I always put a coin in a purse or handbag when it is a gift and I never put shoes on a table or open an umbrella inside. I think I went to put a new pair of shoes (that were still in the box and in a bag) and she pulled them straight off, quite fiercely so I have never done it since then. She wasn't rude to me about it, I just knew that I shouldn't do it in front of her ever again. Do you do things that your parents do? Or ...