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Showing posts with the label Rainbow

Rainbow Ice Cream

Rainbow Ice Cream From An Ice Cream Parlour - Photography The Norty Borderline Ok, so since I was a little girl one of my Dad's favourite things to do was to take us to a ice cream parlour. Especially if we were travelling somewhere and we had never been to that one before. So I have a love of going to an ice cream parlour. And 9 times out of 10, still to this day I get a rainbow ice cream. (I'm not sure if my American friends have rainbow ice cream over there and it is the same flavour and colours as ours, so I am including photos for all you guys). Anyway, I have always wondered what the actual flavour of the rainbow ice cream is, because it has the colours of the rainbow in it. It is just one of those things that you think about while you are eating it, but never actually try and find out, you are just enjoying it that much. It is like the moment that you get handed that ice cream, you have to start licking it. Plus I live in Australia, so our temperatures over here are no...