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Showing posts with the label Chris Watts

Chris Watts Case

I think that the reason so many people are drawn to this case may simply be because of how tragic the story actually is. How can a man take out his family like that? And to not show remorse. I do believe that there was something major going on, I just think that we will never know what truly happened. I honestly don't think that Chris will ever be fully honest about what happened that night. I do feel like he is protecting someone or something else, but no clue as to what. I feel so much for Shanann's family, I can't imagine the heartache they have to bear each day. Having had a brother that went to prison, I can understand why his family do contact him still and why. He will also be their son and brother/uncle and as a mother, our love is unconditional. He may have wiped out his entire family, but he will always be their loved one too. I think this case will have unanswered questions and there will always be these conspiracy theories regarding it. I literally have tried to...