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Showing posts with the label Medications

Your Nights - Kmart Journal Entry

  What keeps you awake at night? What do you regularly dream about? How would you rate the quality of your sleep? What three things can you do to improve it (if you need to)? What keeps me awake at night? I think that might be one of the silliest questions to ask someone with Borderline Personality Disorder... HA-HA! I am an overthinker and seem to do most of my 'overthinking' later at night. So I am lucky that I have explained this to my mental health team and I am on a medication that helps with my moods and I take it at night, so it sedates me. So I am going to sleep about an hour and a half after I take the medication and it sedates me enough that I fall asleep and don't think. I think the most that I think about is going to sleep. It has been a rather problematic symptom for me since I was in my teenage years, so I am glad that my mental health team are helping me with the symptoms I feel are the worst. And insomnia and overthinking just seem to overlap for me. I love ...