Are there things that your parents did and you now do.. And you have no idea why?! My housemate asked me the other day why when I cook my toast that I squish it down after I have cooked it. I literally had to stand there and think about why I even do it. She did say that she has never seen anyone else ever do it, so it must be unusual I guess. But the reason that I squish my toast down after I have cooked it is because my Mum does it. I have no idea why she does it and I am going to have to ask her now! I also do things that my Grandmother taught me too. So I always put a coin in a purse or handbag when it is a gift and I never put shoes on a table or open an umbrella inside. I think I went to put a new pair of shoes (that were still in the box and in a bag) and she pulled them straight off, quite fiercely so I have never done it since then. She wasn't rude to me about it, I just knew that I shouldn't do it in front of her ever again. Do you do things that your parents do? Or ...