What is it with people and only thinking about themselves?! I don't know if it is pure narcissism or they are self centred, but all I hear about lately is how bad people have it and how everything revolves around them. I personally feel that yes, we should speak openly about our problems, but it gets to a point where it begins to feel like it is a one way street and all I seem to hear about is how bad these people have it. Hence one reason why I have started this blog. I need to get this s**t out!! LOL Some days it feels like people think it is a competition on how hard they have it and how hard their life is. Um, we all have parts of our lives that are hard for each and every one of us. I feel that not one part of our lives should be considered a competition. We should only be competing against each other say in a sports event etc. Not comparing and competing against each other, especially in our social lives. Which brings me to the point of social media playing a major part in th...