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Showing posts with the label Dogs

Short Hiatus

It has been a little while since I posted a blog. As I have said in previous blogs, my living situation was not exactly suitable, and I have found a place to live on my own. Therefore, I have been rather busy moving and getting my little place set up. I also haven’t had internet and am finally getting that connected this week.    I have certainly missed having internet, as I use FaceTime to communicate with my daughter. I think the first thing I will be doing when it is connected is calling her! I am missing her quite a bit and I know that she misses me too, but I am absolutely loving where I am, so I can never see me moving back to where all my family are. I also think that my daughter and I needed time apart to really appreciate each other again. Plus, she can always come for a visit.    I bought myself a MacBook. I haven’t spent this type of money on myself since my daughter was born. Being a single mother, I always put her needs before any of mine and she would a...

A Question For You - Kmart Journal Entry

What makes your heart sing? There are a few things that make my heart sing.  Firstly, my family make my heart sing. Especially my daughter. She can drive me absolutely bat s**t crazy some days, but most days she makes my heart sing. Raising her is probably going to be my greatest achievement. Hearing her voice can brighten my day, even if she is being psychotic like her mother! Ha-Ha! She looks nothing like me (she is all her Daddy) but oh my lord is she me in personality. And I can tell you that sometimes that is a recipe for disaster. Ha-Ha! She has also been my reason why I am still here today.  My niece also makes my heart sing. She told me the most beautiful thing a few months ago. She has 6 aunties all up and I am her favourite!! Oh my heart was singing that day I can tell you!! I literally couldn't take the smile off my face all day!! She is a very sweet child, but she loves to spend time with Aunty and she tells me that she misses me all the time, so I know how much sh...

End Of The Day

What is that one task that you dread doing at the end of the day?  For me, even though I love my dogs dearly, it would be feeding them. I'm normally in so much pain by the time I am due to feed them, that it is such an effort! Some nights it feels like my arms aren't strong enough to even hold the food, let alone prepare it for them. And when you own a 55kg (121 pounds) dog. He eats quite a bit, let me tell you!! So his bowl can get quite heavy by the time that I give it to him. That being said, I love him beyond words and I will take any pain, just to ensure he is fed every day.  I probably should do it in the mornings, but if I have appointments on then I get even more rushed and then I am anxious, so it is probably not a good idea.  My dogs also know exactly when their dinner time is and my little girl will whine from about 5:15pm until I feed them at 5:30pm. My little girl must think that I am the meanest fur Mummy ever for making her wait a whole 15 minutes for ...

Rise And Shine - Kmart Journal Entry

What's the best part of your morning routine? List five things you do first thing in the morning. 1. My cup of tea!! 2. Hope people are not going to be talking to me. HA-HA! 3. Have a cigarette with my cup of tea 4. Listen to the birds, while I have my cigarette and cup of tea.  5. Enjoy the sunshine if it is out. I think my favourite part of my morning routine is the cup of tea and cigarette. I get to pat my dogs and enjoy the sunshine at the same time. I know that I shouldn't be smoking, but oh well that is my choice. LOL I'm currently not working, so I am not in a rush most mornings, which I must say is quite nice, given my MH issues and the stress that it causes me. Do you have a morning routine? If so, what do you do in the mornings? I'd love to hear so we can see the differences. :) The Norty Borderline

Waking Up To Dog Sh*t

I woke up this morning and came out of my room to make myself a cup of tea and the kids were so loud (it hurts my ears they are that loud and even this morning I was putting my hands over my ears to try block some of it out) and it was a struggle to make my cup of tea because of my nerve pain. I also take my nerve pain medication in the morning and in the evenings. And I take my morning medications with my cup of tea. Anyway, so I am went to the toilet while the kettle is boiling and I have to step over one dog shit that was outside of child 1's bedroom. Now look, this dog is not mine and I have to go out into the backyard and pick up all my dogs shit, so that they mower man is not mowing up large amounts of dog shit. So I don't feel that I should have to clean up after my dogs and then have to clean up after my housemates dog as well. Anyway so I step over the dog shit and go to the toilet, trying real hard not to vomit because the smell was pretty bad and it wasn't coming...