It has been a little while since I posted a blog. As I have said in previous blogs, my living situation was not exactly suitable, and I have found a place to live on my own. Therefore, I have been rather busy moving and getting my little place set up. I also haven’t had internet and am finally getting that connected this week. I have certainly missed having internet, as I use FaceTime to communicate with my daughter. I think the first thing I will be doing when it is connected is calling her! I am missing her quite a bit and I know that she misses me too, but I am absolutely loving where I am, so I can never see me moving back to where all my family are. I also think that my daughter and I needed time apart to really appreciate each other again. Plus, she can always come for a visit. I bought myself a MacBook. I haven’t spent this type of money on myself since my daughter was born. Being a single mother, I always put her needs before any of mine and she would a...