What activities bring you joy? Which people bring you joy? What is hands down the most fun you've ever had? What's the most spontaneous thing you have ever done? I find that a lot of different activities bring me joy. The things that I enjoy most would be disassociating (I can't help that, I'm Borderline.. HA-HA! And who doesn't enjoy a good daydream?! HA-HA!). I like to read, but I find that because of my mental health issues, I really do struggle to sit down and read a book for any longer than about 5-10 minutes. I used to be able to read a lot better also when I didn't have a mobile phone. So I do think that technology has played a major part in that. It seems that I read a couple of pages and then my phone goes off with a notification and so then I look at my phone. I think that I need to start silencing my phone a bit more often and just checking it say every half an hour to an hour. What would you do if you were me? I love to do colour in, but I find that ...