How do you prepare for sleep? List five things you do to unwind at the end of the day.
1. Play games on my phone. It’s probably not a great way to unwind, but it does get me to slow down and actually sit. Being that I’m also OCD, I’m continually trying to clean or make things tidier. So when I finally do sit down with my phone and play games, it means I’m done for the night.
2. Have a cup of tea. I love English Breakfast tea. Don’t give me an earl grey. Eew!! HA-HA! Tea just relaxes me. Plus it’s apparently good for me. Winning!! Lol
3. Watch TV but normally disassociate at the same time. Lol got to love being a borderline. Lol I struggle to sit for long periods and watch TV, especially a movie. I usually have to pause a movie and come back to it 3 or 4 times as I just don’t have the attention span to watch a movie fully.
4. Have a bath. I love having baths, except I seem to always make them way too hot and it almost becomes a sauna for me. Lol I also enjoy to read in the bath as my mind is completely on the book and my body is completely relaxed.
5. Read a book. The only problem with that is that I normally want to continue reading and end up staying up half the night, because I just want to finish the next chapter and then the next. HA-HA! I think most book lovers have that problem though.
What 5 things do you do to unwind at night? I actually struggle to unwind at night, so any of your tips would be greatly appreciated! I’ll even try them and update on how I go.
The Norty Borderline
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