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Showing posts from July, 2022

A Mothers Unconditional Love

At what point does it become enough for a mother to walk away from her child? I know that we should love our children unconditionally, but does it ever get to a point where you must decide that it is for the best to give your child some 'tough love'? Or to protect your mental health and other loved one’s mental health as well? I think that even though we don't want to ever think of having to give our children the tough love that they sometimes need.  I have been witnessing a lot of bad behaviours by children (my daughter can be a b**ch, but at the end of the day she is an amazing person, and she is a good citizen within her community), and I am completely mind blown as to why we are allowing these children to display these behaviours without any serious consequences? From the justice system to parenting, I feel that these children are being failed. I also believe that they need discipline. Most of us ‘elders’, received discipline as children and most of us are not going aro...

Observe Nature - Kmart Journal Entry

When did you last see the sunset or sunrise? When did you last go for a bushwalk? When did you last swim in the ocean? Describe these times. What's your favourite place in nature - why? Great questions Kmart Journal! Ha-Ha!  The last time that I watched a sunset or sunrise was the about three mornings when I woke up at 4:40am (not sleeping the best at the moment) and couldn't get back to sleep, so I did get to see the sunrise. It was also very peaceful and I find that now that I am waking up a bit earlier, that I am more productive with my day, especially in the mornings. I am going to try and start to get up earlier. I have always been a bit of a night owl, therefore I find it hard to get to bed early and end up sleeping in later.  I haven't been on a bush walk for quite some time, but I do try to walk my dog every day and I get to walk to the waterfront whenever I want!  I am not that fond of creepy crawlies, so I don't like to do many bush walks in case I see a creep...

Short Hiatus

It has been a little while since I posted a blog. As I have said in previous blogs, my living situation was not exactly suitable, and I have found a place to live on my own. Therefore, I have been rather busy moving and getting my little place set up. I also haven’t had internet and am finally getting that connected this week.    I have certainly missed having internet, as I use FaceTime to communicate with my daughter. I think the first thing I will be doing when it is connected is calling her! I am missing her quite a bit and I know that she misses me too, but I am absolutely loving where I am, so I can never see me moving back to where all my family are. I also think that my daughter and I needed time apart to really appreciate each other again. Plus, she can always come for a visit.    I bought myself a MacBook. I haven’t spent this type of money on myself since my daughter was born. Being a single mother, I always put her needs before any of mine and she would a...